Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The YD way!

     Most writers who wish to write for the Youth Diaries ask us; what's our criteria for selecting their article, story or poems. Getting content on YD is not a competition. It's about how much the write-up can grab the reader's attention or engage them or inspire them. From our past experiences following were a few points that affect readers on our magazine:
  • Length: We learnt it the hard way; but we realized unless the content is extremely gripping from the first paragraph and it maintains this intriguing character throughout; the write up shouldn't exceed more than 600 words.
  • Writing Style: The writing style should be such that it aligns itself with the readers' thought process. It could be inspiring and awe-striking; but towards the end if it makes the reader think about doing or not doing what has been written about, the objective of YD is achieved.  For eg: If anyone wishes to write about his travel to Jain Temples in MP; it should make the readers excited about traveling to the Jain Temples themselves.
  • Content: Well; our belief is that the content can be about anything: social issues, entertainment, entrepreneurship, economic, travel, fashion, anything as long as it is able to align itself with the youth's thought process.
      When we started YD; we knew that we have to provide a platform to writers, photographers, and short film-makers. But then a question arose in our mind; 'will all the writing enthusiasts be able to come up with an engaging content'. That's where we realized that we need to mentor the writers also; in terms of generating content which may flow in sync with the Youth's thought process and at the same time the essence of the topic chosen is not lost. Blogging about it is not the best way to mentor; but it surely the best way to reach out to an audience of writers at large. 

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